Monday, March 23, 2009


If you know one thing about the Phillips Sister's, it's this....
We are completely terrified of anything that buzzes, flies, crawls or STINGS!
(Or dad teasing us with a stick/grass)

Returning from a great walk up the canyon, still on the trail,
Kathy (my HERO) notices a bee on her stroller. Kathy, struck with fear, begins to do the traditional spazz dance whenever there is a buzzing, flying, crawling, stingy MONSTER present. (Kinda reminds me of Elaine)

I freaked out and start running the opposite direction while Jake my youngest boy decides to help these wacko moms. Kathy kept yelling for a stick, by this time she is almost frozen in fear... I kept telling Jake to get a stick.... but I think he was a little embarrassed, he didn't know quite what to do. So I being the oldest decided to get the stick and hand it to Kathy and then run back to my spot, I ain't gonna get the sucka!

Kathy some how guided the Bee to a jacket that was on her stroller, out of panic she yanked the jacket and the bee flew away..... sheesh, what a day, what? You want more? Oh Ok....

"Is it gone?" I ask
"Ya I it flew away" Kathy

I turned and proceeded to walk, and then all "H" broke loose, SERIOUSLY!!!

"Kim.... the's on your back"

I then started my own traditional spazz dance. We were both screaming and yelling, the poor kids just sat there with their mouths open in awe, even the old couple walking towards us were shocked at the outburst.

"Kim STOP it's crawling up your hair!"
"What? get it off, get it off...."

And like any "Hero" of mine would do....
Kathy took the very Jacket she was holding and whipped it as hard as she could across my face, leaving a nice welt beneath my ear... even broke the skin!

(I felt like Rocky Balboa being hit in slow motion, for all to see.. remember the old couple?
They had been watching the whole time)

Funny thing is she missed the bee....
I haven't laughed like that in a long time!


Robinson Family Blog said...

I told the girls at work and I was crying and laughing by the time it was finished. That was AWESOME!!!

Melanee said...

That is so hilarious!!! I laughed so hard, I cried! Thanks for that. But I know how you feel

Jennifer Parcell said...

HOw funny! I remember your fear of bee's and wasps! It is super funny to watch people, run and scream and jump and flinch around! Never great when you are the object of the bees affection, but funny as an onlooker!

Carterista said...

LOL! Neither have I. LOL some more!

Carterista said...

This is Julian and I think that was HIGH-LARRY-US!!!