Saturday, September 26, 2009

Love/hate relationship?

Lyndsey was invited back for the Alumni UTAH/BYU Volleyball game. Mom and Dad were in Vegas for their fun little getaway, so Ron and I were invited to go in their place......... Lynds you rock............We had a great time!

My sista Lynds played for the University of Utah Volleyball team......

This is the future athlete of the Henderson family...........Parker!

This picture is of one of my good friends Lori... love her........She works for the Y and was at the game. The best was during the 3rd game Lori came and sat in the middle of all red Alumni and cheered on her BYU team..... she was very brave to do that. But then I soon lost Ron in the BYU section, he decided to trade sides..... Sorry guys the Utes still won!

Can you see him?

1 comment:

Carterista said...

haha. So funny. What a great story about all the side switching. Glad you had fun.

PS. The cookies are almost gone. :(