Friday, September 21, 2007

Blind man down...

So Ron decided a while ago he was going to get his one good eye fixed (lasered)! Today was the day... a bit nervous I told him he was "gambeling" with his good eye, but he went for it any ways! So with all the umph.... Emmie and I took our man in for the "eye perfecting" procedure. I was able to watch the whole thing done live on tv... Ron really does have some long lashes! It is amazing what they can do to the human eye. The procedure they did wasn't like a normal lasic, he had an eye injury in that eye along time ago and with many discussion back and forth with his eye doc they felt this was the safest way. Normally they would cut a flap do the laser and then fold the flap back up and you eye heals within 2 days. His eye was numb and they set a little instrument on his eye anfd filled it with a liquid solution to soften the tissue that covers your eye. Once it was softened they soaked up the solution and then began to carefully scrape off the first layer of his EYE!!! I about lost it there..... the nurse that was giving me play by play asked if I was alright... I guess I had a really pretty face right about then...... They then proceded with the laser treatment which lasted about 5 seconds, added eye drops and a protective contact lens....TAA DAA!! He was done! He is home now and is sleeping because he is not suppose to move his eye around for the first 24 hours. His eye will heal in 4-7 days and he should have perfect vision by three weeks or sooner! He acted like nothing happened, no tears, no screaming, no running from the doc... nothing! I would have done all that! He is my hero!!! He did great so far... we will see what this weekend brings!